General Information:
State agencies and partners can positively impact conditions in which youth struggle to survive. What are the priorities, partnerships, plans and resources that need to be in place to create lifelines of resilience that help youth persevere in this journey? And what steps can we all take to better support youth in becoming the leaders who best shape the future? During the state agency panel, leaders in education, health and senior services, mental health, higher education and workforce development, social services and agriculture will explore challenges and opportunities for youth and families.
About the Speakers:
Donna Brake: She joined the Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development in 2014 and currently serves as the manager over special projects. In her current position, Ms. Brake is dedicated to improving the oversight and management of Special Projects, which includes Apprenticeship and Work-Based Learning; Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Adult, Dislocated and Youth Programs; Virtual Learning; and Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC).
Lisa Dierking:She is a Licensed Master Social Worker and the Coordinator of School-Based Mental Health for the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. She has a bachelor’s degree in Psychology, a master’s degree in Social Work and an Educational Specialist’s degree in Educational, School and Counseling Psychology with an emphasis in Mental Health Practices in Schools.
Keith Dietzschold: He is the State Director for Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources in the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. He also serves as the State Professional Agriculture Students (PAS) Advisor and State FFA Advisor. Throughout his professional career Dietzschold has served in many leadership and committee roles with Missouri Vocational Agriculture Teachers Association (MVATA), National Association for Agriculture Educators (NAAE), The National Council for Agricultural Education and the National FFA Organization.
John Ginwright: He has served as the Family Support Division Deputy Director since 2014. In 2015, Mr. Ginwright created the Child Support Outreach Unit to develop and coordinate child support services with community agencies. In 2023, Mr. Ginwright received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the National Partnership for Community Leadership for his outstanding contributions to the fatherhood community.
Heidi Miller: She is the Chief Medical Officer of DHSS.
Sherry Moller: She is a Senior Program Specialist over statewide Relative Care and Treatment Foster Care (TFC) Programming with Missouri Children’s Division. She has worked in child protective services for nearly 30 years and has her MSW from the University of Missouri-Columbia.