I firmly believe that the progress of mankind results not only from genius, determination, vision and hope, but is driven by the collaboration of individuals, groups and institutions sharing and working together for a common cause.
~E. Desmond Lee
The Des Lee Collaborative Vision (DLCV) brings together key educational, cultural, governmental and social service institutions to establish programs and share resources that benefit the St. Louis community. This is accomplished through the collaboration of more than 30 endowed professors with over 100 partner and community organizations both in the St. Louis region and worldwide. Administered through the University of Missouri-St. Louis, the DLCV’s primary focus is to enrich the overall quality of life throughout the St. Louis area and beyond, improve education and create opportunities for underserved populations.
The DLCV endowed professors are prominent scholars in their respective fields of study. Unlike traditional university scholars whose primary obligations within a conventional university setting focus on research and teaching, DLCV endowed professors are equally devoted to spending their time working with community organizations and in partnership activities.