MU Extension Community Economic Development Field Specialist Richard Proffer meets regularly with Risco residents to guide them to establishing a local limited use food store. This project came about through a Strategic Doing strategic planning community driven process where the residents were led through a day long meeting focusing on what should be done, could be done and what will they do. The group left the day with an initial plan involving three committees and are now meeting on own towards the goal of getting the town ready for an entrepreneurial business owner.
★ Community & Economic Development, Health, Training & Professional Development, UM System Collaborations
Risco, MO seeks to change its food desert status
MU Extension Community Economic Development Field Specialist Richard Proffer meets regularly with Risco residents to guide them to establishing a local limited use food store.
ongoing: 3 committees meet monthly: Funding, City Clean up and City Expansion; MU Extension Specialists Richard Rickman and Mike Milam also attend the meetings