The First Tuesday Entrepreneur Speaker Series takes place on the first Tuesday of each month during the academic year. The events are hosted in Bloch Executive Hall, Room 218 from 4:00-5:30pm. There will be an opener at 4:00, then the keynote speaker, a Q&A, and networking with pizza. The events are free and open to the public!
September 5th
Opener: Bloch School Student Group Showcase
Keynote Speaker: Tamara Washington, an Executive Consultant at Boom Media and Image Consulting, will be the keynote speaker for this event. She is a creative, energetic, non-traditional, and experienced communications professional with nearly 10 years of experience in television news. She has led up to 40 people and supervised nearly 10 television marketing campaigns.
Pizza and soft drinks from Waldo Pizza will be served.
October 3rd
Keynote Speaker: Mike Plunkett, COO of PayIt
Pizza and soft drinks from Waldo Pizza will be served.
November 7th
Opener: UMKC Side Hustle Challenge Awards
Join us to recognize the top student entrepreneurs who participated in the 2023 Side Hustle Challenge. Applications for the Challenge are open until October 24, 2023.
Keynote Speaker: Becky Blade, Startist in Chief at Startistry Publishing, will be the keynote speaker for this event. She has three decades experience in business reputation management, creative brand building and innovative marketing. With a style that is entrepreneurial, strategic and energetic in approach, she has started and built departments, companies and high-results programs.
Pizza and soft drinks from Waldo Pizza will be served.
December 5th
Event: E-Scholars Demo Day
Pizza and soft drinks from Waldo Pizza will be served.
May 7th
Event: E-Scholars Demo Day
Pizza and soft drinks from Waldo Pizza will be served.