Not even a global pandemic could keep UMKC pharmacy students from serving the local community at 160 individual immunization events this fall. In all, the students administered 5,580 influenza vaccines.
"Fall 2020 placed us squarely in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic, and we anticipated the demand for flu shots would be very high, resulting in a record number of flu shots being administered by our students this year," says Valerie L. Ruehter, Director of Experiential Learning for the UMKC School of Pharmacy.
The clinics, often held in a drive-through format in parking lots and garages, partnered with multiple pharmacies, local businesses, schools, senior assisted-living centers, and local veteran and homeless charities.
Ruehter added, "These collaborations engage students in a variety of activities and allow us to demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and impact that pharmacists can have on community health and wellness."