Power Up Your Pantry collaborates with food pantries and other hunger relief groups who are looking for ways to enhance their current operations and better meet the needs of the people they serve. There are a few ways, and resources that partners can continue to connect with through the process. These ways include the Power Up Your Pantry lunchbox learning webinars, connection assessment, and guide sheets. Power Up Your Pantry
is a series of short, informative, on-line sessions that cover a variety of topics relevant to food pantry directors, staff and volunteers – all in the span of a lunch break! We’ve tried our best to gather interesting local experts from food pantries and related agencies to share their knowledge and skills. Topics include community gardening, fundraising, client choice, SNAP outreach, and more. Power Up Your Pantry
is for groups looking to dive deeper and take part in a process to uncover current strengths and identify areas for improvement. Participants will be engaged in a one year process that involves a food pantry assessment, creation and implementation of an action plan, and the chance to apply for small grants to make pantry upgrades or implement projects. Broad goals include enhancing basic operations, incorporating programs that improve client health, and creating a welcoming, supportive environment for guests. Power Up Your Pantry
are bite-sized publications for groups looking for an introduction to host of topics. Topics range from the essential – including working with volunteers, fundraising, and communications – to partnering with farmers and gardeners, starting a community garden, and implementing a Client Choice food distribution system. Most guides include a Spotlight that features the work of food pantry directors or community partners who put the ideas in to action.